Featured Offers

Holistic Coaching with Debbie Morgan

A holistic approach to evoking awareness,
creating movement and supporting you in partnership to create change.

If you are looking to create positive change in your life, I would love to meet you! I work with people who are motivated to live life with intention, authenticity, and a desire to be whole through holistic coaching and somatic release. If you are feeling called to get unstuck, find balance, or discover next steps in your life, coaching is a wonderful safe space to get clear and tap into your inner self to create that change.

Together we begin where you currently are in all four holistic areas and shine a light on the benefits of supporting your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health through direct questions, intuition, and curiosity. Our partnership provides support and accountability for your personal growth and the opportunity to find balance in your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical self-allowing you to shift in support of your intentions.

I bring years of experience working in health and wellness and credentials in several holistic modalities that support you in shifting to create change. I bring my presence, authenticity, and intentions in support of you and your creation. If you are ready to create change, let’s connect to see if we are meant to partner together. Learn how I work and what I offer to clients. Contact me to schedule a complementary 30-minute discovery call 203-948-5372.

I would love to support you in your growth by offering a discount on your coaching.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Debbie Morgan

Special Coaching Package:

6 Sessions

1 hour per session

Cost: $360.00

All sessions are virtual via zoom.

Debbie holds a masters degree in Integrative Health & Healing and is a certified Holistic Coach. She incorporates her training in positive psychology, somatic emotional release and mindfulness in her coaching.

*Coaching is not therapy, it is an opportunity to evoke awareness, gain clarity, and accountability. It focuses on supporting you in creating something you desire or clearing what might be getting in the way for you.


Debbie was able to de-tangle the disordered web of thoughts in my mind and helped me prioritize, clarify, and take action; as she offered suggestions to help set me up for success. We worked together to create realistic, manageable changes. I highly recommend! D.T.

I sought coaching at a crucial time when I desired clarity and focus on advancing towards some life goals. Debbie created a safe and supportive atmosphere and helped me reconnect to my guiding truths. Because of her effective listening skills and thoughtful process, I achieved significant progress in attaining my goals. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Debbie throughout my transformational experience. B.L.S

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