Portion Possible

Posted November 20, 2022

Thanksgiving dinner can leave more than just the turkey stuffed. Indulging in favorite holiday foods just one day isn't so bad if you eat a balanced diet most days of the year.

Overeating regularly can stretch your stomach's capacity. Being mindful about the serving sizes you put on your plate is one of the best things you can do for healthy weight management.
Thankfully you don't have to sacrifice your favorite foods in order to stay healthy and avoid weight gain.

This turkey day, select healthy portions of your favorite foods and fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables. Before piling on the fixins, reference these healthy portions of traditional holiday foods:

  • Turkey (white meat) - 3 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards
  • Gravy - 1/4 cup, about the size of a golf ball
  • Mashed potatoes - 1/2 cup,
    about half the size of a tennis ball
  • Stuffing - 1/2 cup, about the size of an ice cream scoop
  • Pie - 1/8 of a 9" pie, about the size of a light bulb

Food keeps us alive and gives us the energy to do the things we love and be with the people we care about. Food is something to be grateful for. Stop and think about what it takes to get the food on your plate and be thankful for the abundance of food we have.  

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